Featured Birds
A new collection
people in different states painted on a small canvas. This no. 1123 is all about Love.

A very special framed set of 3
3 miniatures that make each other stronger and create a mini-story together. You find them framed in a black wooden box with a silver border.

Collection list

The name of this place is inspired by a quote of Monet but I chose it because of the way painting and birdsongs make me feel. IN nature and OUT of thoughts. Come join us in this new happy place and subscribe to a moment of JOY on a regular basis. And if there one day is a painting that pulls on your heartstrings it is easy to make it your own. Find a sparkle of joy in your home inspired by little wonders of life.

Falling down is never fun. Except when your name is night and you live in France. Tonight falls down in splendid colors. Warm purples and dark greens compete with fluorescent pink strokes of sky. How could you object to that...

View From Montlauzun
Touring the area in the south of France, looking for paintable spots, what a pleasure!
I could jump out of the car at every curve in the road. Sometimes I set up the whole shebang with easel and all. At other times I like to catch the atmosphere in a quick sketch and a few strokes sitting in the tailgate of my car.

Bertje On The Lookout
A favorite moment on my painting days in France? When the bright sun gets softer and the dogs need a walk, just like me. The landscape revealing all its different shades of color, combined with the joy of the animals running free. Yes this gives such a moment a magical touch. Can you find Bertje? Must admit he is really small...